A few 2024 updates from my end:

1. I’ve finished a draft of my book, and just printed the first version for review (still 6 months off, but making headway).
2. I’m teaching at a music school in Erina, New South Wales, in person and over zoom. (www.elitemusic.com.au)
3. I still have a small office where I can teach in The Entrance, New South Wales, if that’s preferred.
4. I can also do phone lessons — audio only, which are pretty great actually! (rates are flexible, but ideally paypal or cash payments made for at least 4 lessons at a time in case there are cancellations etc.). guitar / bass / theory / songwriting / jazz / arranging / etc.

Tom Csatari

PS if you’d like to “donate” towards the book project, please purchase some of my music over here: www.music.unciv.org the latest album is over here: https://ignoreheroes.bandcamp.com/album/5-by-monk-by-csatari and the best one is over here (the first): https://tinymontgomery.bandcamp.com/album/uncivilized

PPS here’s a recent video interview I did with the podcast Doomer Optimism in which I discuss guitar, environmentalism, Frank Zappa, Ornette Coleman, America, etc. etc. with the great Tres Crow: